Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Rambling Autobiography

I was born on July 21, 1999 when WiFi was introduced by Apple. (LOL if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't have computers, iPods and the iPads) When I was a young boy, I liked to play a lot and I played after I ate then something happened, My appendix blew up, I have a scar to prove it too and I was also stupid enough to step on a cats tail, eventually enough I got rabies and I almost died, but look at me now! I also remember coming here in 2004 in May, when I was here, it was snowed deep. When I first went here, I wasn't scared at all because I went to school in the Philippines. In July of the same year, there was a blizzard! When I was in Grade 1, I got slapped by kid named Deep. I told him to clean up and he slapped me for no reason and in Grade 2 I remember winning lots of spelling tests and I remember that I got a good grade that year. I remember my dog in the Philippines, (I forgot his name because its been a while since I seen him) he was awesome, after I came home from school, he always used to lick me, but when I left for Canada, I missed him very much. I found out later that he died from starvation.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Pie Graphs

This pie graph was for our multiple intelligences, Linguistic,
Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Spatial, Musical
and Logical/Mathematical. my strongest was Interpersonal, Intra-
personal, Musical and Bodily/Kinesthetic.

This pie graph was for our basic needs,
the needs are Love, Power, Freedom and Fun.
This year, Fun was my biggest strength, last year
was Belonging.

Monday, 19 November 2012



1. I believe that racism should be erased from the Earth, FOREVER!

2. I believe that in 20 years, I will reflect on how I was back then.

3. I believe that when I have kids, they will be better than me in school.

4. I believe that if I never give up, I can get over the adversities that I will face.

5. I believe that if I have confidence, I can get lots of points in basketball.

6. I believe if I listen to my coach, I can learn defence better.

7. I believe that the L.A. Lakers will win the NBA championship this year.

8. I believe that even if the Elwick basketball team (Grade 8) is small, we are the smartest.

9. I believe that in 20 years, bullying will be a thing in the past.

10. I believe that we can stop global warming. (The Polar Bears!)

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Comedy Bit

To read my bit, click here!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Term One Reflection + Goals

To read my reflection click here

Monday, 5 November 2012


To read about my favourite comedian click Here

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

NBA Weekly Games

For Today`s games, click here, here, and here!

Until next week, stay tuned!


To read my reflection, click here.

Scary Story

To read my story click here