Thursday 7 March 2013

Term 2 Reflection and Gooooaaaals!

I guess I'll start with English Language Arts, or ELA for short.
       We start with what I did with my Big Little Book. To be honest it was easy, but I guess it was kinda difficult doing the summary. The illustrations was easy and everything else I just breezed through it. I think I lost my Big Little Book, but I think it's in the class anywhere. I know the class will see this, so help me out? Does anyone know where it is?
        Anyways, we had one more final exam for Touching Spirit Bear. I think I almost got it perfect, but the sentences was kinda weird, I mean awkward actually.
       The class made a bucket list and it was up to 100 items. Honestly, it was easy but after Number 50, it got kinda hard because of the things I had to think about. (Keep in mind that it was hard thinking of another 50 things!) I managed to finish it. you can actually see it here on my blog if you look hard enough. xD
       When we came back from break, we started a new unit called Lit Circles. We just read books and then we do various jobs and it's supposed to help us to get more interested in reading. It's really easy and I like my group. Currently are reading a book called "Powerless" and it's about a kid who just moved from Philadelphia to a new town called Noble Green and he finds out that some of the kids have superpowers and he's trying to find out where he fits in the puzzle. I just wish sometimes that Darion would do his jobs a bit better, with more quality and that he can actually READ 2-3 sentences because he likes to not really listen to when the other guys are reading. By the way, my other group members are: Chris, Gregory and Ram. Reading Buddies is still pretty easy and my buddy is really quiet. Currently I'm working on a Survivor Story, it's not finished yet. Check back here and click the link to see it. Not spilling any details or anything. I think my editing skills are more or less the same as last term, but I think I got better at identifying where figurative language fits in the passage. I think I'm a good discussion starter and it seems to go far into what I start. 
       Now I'll move on to Social Studies, it's not as long as ELA so don't be worried if this takes up more space than ELA did. 
       Since I told you we started the Amazing Race earlier in Term One, we finished the unit and the ending was really surprising. The two gay men, Josh and Brent ended up winning DESPITE not having a win in any leg until the final one. We had one more final project. We didn't do any sheets though. We had to find a group of kids from the two classes, which were Mr. Harding's and Ms. White's classes. Now obviously, I had to go with my friend Jomar and we partnered with Pam and Alexis. Most of the other teams didn't think ours was fair because we had everything, the total package. We had intelligence, speed, problem-solving and athleticism. We ended up having a penalty because Jomar tried the food test and he thought a bean was a Blueberry! (A BLUEBERRY, REALLY?!?!) Buut it was him who found out what the final place ended up to be. The clue says, if I remember right, "The pitstop is a room that no longer exists..." And immediately Jomar said "COMPUTER LAB!!!" And we all dashed towards it. We ended up winning. 
       Currently we are doing a unit on Africa  and we studied the climate, the people, the geographical features and the industries of Africa. We finished all the worksheets and what-not, so we made African masks. We went on the Interweb and looked up African masks and I partnered up with Terence. I found a lion mask, and I got info on animal masks and we made the actual masks out of a paper plate and we cut the top and sides off to make the outline of the face. Then I just paper mached it together. Then as a final touch, Terence made the ears and the big snout of the lion. 
        Finally on to something easier, FRENCH! We did the Twelve Days of Christmas and it was fun, thinking of things, basically anything we want and convert them into French and then illustrate it. We also did ER Verbs and it's CONFUSING!! AAARRRGGGHHH!! 
        Oh goodness me oh my, here comes the big long subject of MATH. Earlier in the term, we did a unit on rounding out whole numbers. It was easy. We then did integers, order of operations, PEMDAS, we also did mental math, where Mr. Harding puts on 5 questions then we solve them.  We are apparently doing a HUGE unit on fractions, I mean we already had TWO TESTS on fractions and we still have some more to do. We did adding fractions, adding improper fractions and adding mixed numbers. Did I mention that we also did subracting of them too? (I just did brah.) Oh yeah, I forgot that we also compared them too, finding the missing term. Now we are doing fractions still and we are converting them to percents. We also did the methods of multiplying like the lattice method, the array method and the traditional method, They were so easy and the lattice method that I didn't understand last year was really easy now. But my favorite method that still stands is the traditional.
          Enough of Math now, let's move on to Science.
We started the Second Term with Mr. Vaarmeyer and everyone different things, like some people did... Well I forgot sorry. Well all I remember is what I did. Succession with Justine. We told the class that Succession is "The process which by new species gradually replace old species over time." and the seemed to understand that, I think. When the New Year came, we didn't switch with Mr. Vaarmeyer's class anymore. So Mr. Harding just taught us instead. We learned about the Earth's Crust and how some rocks are not all Volcanic. About rocks, we learned about them too. There are 3 types of rock, Igneous, (Comes out of Volcanoes) Sedimentary, (All sand and other sediments, hence the name "Sedimentary") and Metamorphic. (Two types of rock being crushed by time and pressure and turns into new rock.) It's fun and I hear there is a test for them.
           Science was short, now on to the "Other Areas".
Since I'm not in Exploratory, I'm in Band. In band we are learning "Mythos" and "Tempest". I actually play 2 instruments. I play the Alto and Tenor Saxophone. In Gym class, or better, Physical Education. We played basketball and It was obviously fun, because I LOVE basketball. We had a good season, racking up ONE win. YAY! I think I averaged like 12 points per game I guess. We also played "Speedball". It's a mixture of soccer and basketball. Overall, this term has been great and I look forward to Term 3, my last term in Elwick.
I forgot we need to make 3 goals, so here they come!
1) I think my first goal would be to do better in French. It's kinda obvious on how I will complete this. I gotta learn the pronounciation of certain French words and to be more into the lesson.
2) Number Two? Well I can be quieter. I'll be quiet in class, simple and plain.
3) The last one I think is to end the year, and Elwick with a bang! I will try harder in everything and I want to finish Elwick knowing I actually succeeded finishing a school.
That's it for now, see y'all again next term, and the end of the year.


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