Monday 10 June 2013

Term 3 Reflection... I'm gonna cry

LOOK IT'S THE END!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIFE!!!!!!! Just kidding. It's the end of the year, well school year that is. Wow. I want to just look back to the beginning of the year and see how much I've grown. LOL I can actually because the other terms are here as well. Enough talk, lets get to the biz. Alright, let's get to Math first. I guess we did some area and perimeter of squares, rectangles, triangles, cylinders, cubes and rectangular prisms. I will mention that we also did the Pythagorean Theorem. (Ya know, A2+B2=C2?) that stuff was pretty easy lol. I think I did very well in terms of that, I mean, getting a couple of tests nearly perfect is enough proof, right? Well, I actually got a couple of tests like under 90%, which Mr. H says is enough to lower grades. We had a huge test on "Shape and Space" I don't really remember my mark on the test, I believe I got it perfect. It was a challenging test to be honest, I mean, it took me almost an hour to complete! I'm just happy I got it right. Currently we are doing Algebra. It actually isn't that bad as you might think. After a couple of classes, I understood how to use Alge-Tiles and solve 1 and 2 step equations. I think that's what we did this term on Math, if I missed anything, comment, I be fixin' after. Alright, Science. Ah, this term was a breeze with projects. Well before I get to the projects itself, lemme start with a BOOM! Literally. What I mean by BOOM is that we studied Earthquakes, Volcanoes (They go BOOM right?), and Mountains. We studied what the Richter scale is and the different waves coming out of an earthquake. For example, the Surface Waves are the slowest waves, they are the ones that do the most damage on land. We studied volcanoes too, we figured out that there is 3 main types of volcanoes, cinder- cone, shield and composite/stratovolcanoes. Okay, back to earthquakes, right. Um we found out that the tectonic plates move in 3 ways, it's actually kinda hard to explain, I'll try my best to do it and I hope y'all understand it. The 1st way is that the plates compress and eventually one of them will fold and go under one plate. (It's called Subduction.) The next one is when one of the plates rip apart and magma comes out. (I don't know the scientific name for it sorry.) The last movement is when the plates grind up against each other, causing friction and an earthquake. XD now after all of that, we started to do more hands-on projects, like building towers and windmills, it was hard to do both and I lost both times. To be honest, my designs looked kinda bad, but hey, I got pretty good marks for the design. Moving on..... Remember ELA? Yeah, if you read my previous term reflection, you'll see that we started to read a book called the Knife of Never Letting Go, you see, right after we finished the book, we had like a test on it. I don't remember my mark at all, because it was such a long time ago when we had the test. Right, this term, we started Book Two of the series, called The Ask and The Answer. I don't want to give any spoilers at all okay? Sorry if I'm being so straightforward, but I'm saying it straight to y'all who didn't read the book, just go read. But I'm nice, so I'll tell you what The Ask and The Answer is. The Ask is a group composing of Mayor Prentiss and his son, The Answer is the opposite group, composing of a woman called Mistress Coyle and some women. We finished the book earlier this month, and it was very surprising at the end. Currently we are doing our final project, some people decided to do a little skit, performing the scenes they choose. I'm doing a movie poster, because I don't really feel like acting. Social Studies time! YAY! I'm being sarcastic here, but actually, this term was fun. Remember I told you what happened last time in Social Studies? Well we did Africa and after that, Mr. H told us that we would partner up and make our own island with actual coordinates in the oceans. My partner was Justine, we did Chocolate Island. It was fun, but drawing the actual island itself was challenging, because I had to like, perfectly line it up with the miniature version of it. We had to think of culture and what ey eat and what is their entertainment and all that. We had to present to the class, lol we weren't ready to present, so we just had to improvise while we were presenting. Now, French. This term was easy breezy. All we did was have a test on verbs. I don't remember the verbs exactly, go and look at someone else's. Currently we are working on French Cafe's. My cafĂ© is The Ballerz Bistro. (LOL Weird title.) So, earlier this term, some people would come every Thursday and we would talk about emotions and other personal things. They were called the Youth Peace-Building Group. It was really fun being with them, and I was surprised at some of the things I found out about some people. At the very end, we ate pizza with them. We went on a couple of field trips and we first went to Vertical Adventures. It's basically a rock climbing place. Man, it was challenging because I climbed a wall and I was near the top and I thought I couldn't reach it, but I did. Last Friday, June 14, we went to Camp Manitou, you'll find out about that in another post. In other subjects, Gym. Gym, all we did was finish off basketball, (Divisionals, we WON A GAME BY LIKE 10 POINTS, WOOOOOO!!!!!) I coached all the teams and with the 2-3 Zone, most the teams won their games. We then had track. I made it to the 100, 200, and 400M, but I found out at the track meet that there was no 400M. I went to the 100M and I was last because the others were so fast. In Band, we obviously have been learning songs. One of them is called "Mythos", it's a quick, energetic song. I have a solo, which is only 2 measures lol. I guess this is it for the year, but in terms of behaviour, I kinda blurted out stuff, like in class, but other than that, I think I did well. *Sigh* I'm finished the year, I'm done, all I want to do is play basketball. LOL I'm going to miss everyone that I know that is still here. But I look forward to high-school. I'm not really scared of high-school though, as most people think. I had a great year, I'm going to miss Mr. Harding especially, because he taught me so many things, I can't really name them all. I'll come back to Elwick next year to visit and say thanks. So farewell Elwick!